Dr. Rima Faber is an expert in a range of areas in dance education and is available for consultation.
Development or Use of Dance Standards
Dr. Faber is a nationally recognized expert in the development and implementation of standards for dance. She is Dance Chair and lead writer for the current generation of Core Arts Standards for Dance, chaired the creation of the NDEO Standards for Dance Education in the Arts (2005), and helped develop standards for a good number of states and districts across the nation.
Curriculum or Program Development
Dr. Faber is an expert in curriculum development, standards-based dance education, the 21st Century Skills, cognitive and brain development through dance, as well as dance techniques required to develop excellent dancers who are competitive in the professional dance world.
Professional Development for Staff or Faculty
Dr. Faber has taught dance classes for over 50 years and offers professional training for staff or faculty in studios, schools, community centers, art centers, and university/college programs. She assists dance teachers, teaching artists, arts administrators, parents, or lovers of dance who wish to learn more.
Dance Integration Services
Dr. Faber has been teaching academic subjects through movement since the early 1970s when she discovered her daughter could not learn verbally and was struggling in school. As a choreographer, Faber easily explained the problematic work to her daughter in dance. By 1980 she was teaching in public schools. She consults with teachers and develops activities that teach the required curriculum through movement experiences. A testimony to this success is that her daughter now holds a master’s degree from Cornell University.
Early Childhood Dance Programs/Dance and the Brain
Since the 1970s, Dr. Faber has trained teachers and dance specialists to develop activities that promote cognitive and brain development as well as dance skills.
Development of Dance Programs
Dr. Faber received her doctorate degree in Education with a specialty in Curriculum Design. She is expert in developing learning rich dance programs that meet artistic and educational requirements, standards, and the age-appropriate needs of students.
Assessment or Evaluation Development or Interpretation
Dr. Faber was actively involved in the creation of national assessments for dance education in response to Goals 2000. She worked for the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) as an Exercise Administrator and Facilitator for four years and was the NDEO representative to Arts SCASS (State Collaborative for Assessment of Student Standards). She has been teaching Assessment courses for Rutgers University and NDEO, and is a member of the American Evaluation Association and Washington Evaluators.
Dance Repertory for Children and Adults
Dr. Faber has choreographed a great many works for children and dances for adult and child dancers. These pieces are available to teach in studios, schools, community centers, and other performance venues. The dances are unique in that they focus on issues children face in their lives and reflect their hopes, dreams, and concerns in both serious and humorous choreography.
Repertory by Nirenska Dr. Faber also performed for 12 years as a soloist with the legendary Pola Nirenska (1910-1992), a renowned soloist throughout Europe before World War II, and afterwards, a matriarch of modern dance in Washington, DC. She has the rights to produce many of Nirenska’s dances, and is available to do so.
For a full listing of dances in Faber’s repertory, contact Dr. Faber at: